Savva Zolotarov
| Украина
Учительница | Марина Калинина
Savva Zolotarov was born in 2011 in Kyiv, Ukraine. He commenced his piano lessons in 2018 through private instruction. In 2020, he entered the 3rd class of the Kyiv State Music Lyceum, named after Mykola Lysenko, under the guidance of teacher Maryna Kalinina. In 2021, Savva achieved laureate status, securing the 4th and 3rd prizes in the "B" and "D" categories of the Debut group at the International Competition of Young Pianists in memory of Vladimir Horowitz.
In June 2022, Savva participated in the Manhattan Music Competition, and in August 2022, he was honored with the Grand Prix III at the International Festival-Competition "Harmony of Talents." Subsequently, in September 2022, he presented his solo program as part of the Art Dialogue Festival in Bien, Switzerland.
March 2023 brought further success as Savva received the 1st prize in the International Mozart Competition (Vienna) in the C2 category. Continuing his musical journey, in July 2023, he attended the summer academy of chamber music, Musica Mundi, in Waterloo, Belgium.
Ференц Лист
«Années de pèlerinage. Première année: Suisse» («Годы странствий. Первый год. Швейцария»): № 9 «Les cloches de Genève (Nocturne)» («Колокола Женевы (Ноктюрн)»)
S. 160/9
Виктор Косенко
«11 Этюдов»: Этюд № 8
фа диез минор
соч. 8/8
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Партита № 2
до минор
BWV 826
Ференц Лист
«Два концертных этюда»: Этюд № 2 «Gnomenreigen» («Хоровод гномов»)
фа диез минор
S. 145/2
Виктор Косенко
«3 мазурки для фортепиано»: Мазурка № 1 Moderato
фа диез минор
соч. 3/1
Виктор Косенко
«11 Этюдов»: Этюд № 8
фа диез минор
соч. 8/8
Время выступления:
Февр. 08 11:45 - 12:00
Kantonsschule Uster (Krämerackerstrasse 15, 8610 Uster)