Suyeon Choi
| Южная Корея
Suyeon Choi studied at the Ewha Womans University in South Korea with prof. Sohyun Park. In 2019, she started her master degree studies in organ at the University of Music Würzburg with prof. Christoph Bossert, which she completed in spring 2022. Since autumn of 2022, she has been participating in the masterclasses at the same higher education institution with prof. Christoph Bossert. She has renewed her performance activity after she accomplished her bachelor's studies and has already played in many events internationally, including the recital at the Kyungdong Church. She is also regularly giving concerts in Germany, proving her skills. In addition, she has participated in the masterclasses conducted by the world-renowned performers, learning new techniques and playing styles. Since 2021, she has become the organist at the Evangelical-Lutheran Apostolic Church in Gerbrunn, Würzburg.
Николаус Брунс
Большой прелюд
ми минор
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
до диез минор
VL 86
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Трио Соната для органа № 2
до минор
BWV 526
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
ля минор
VL 227
Фаустас Латенас
«Ad libitum»
Оливье́ Мессиа́н
«L'Ascension» («Вознесение»)
«Alleluias sereins d’une âme qui désire le ciel» («Светлая Аллилуйа души, жаждущей Небес»)
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Прелюд (Токката) и фуга
ми мажор
BWV 566
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
си бемоль минор
VL 345
Феликс Мендельсон-Бартольди
Соната для органа № 3
ля мажор
соч. 65
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
18 Хоральных прелюдий: Trio super «Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr»
ля мажор
BWV 664
Макс Регер
Хоральная фантазия «Halleluja, Gott zu loben bleibe meine Seelenfreud» № 3
соч. 52