Jinzhu Li
| Китай
Высшая школа музыки и исполнительских искусств, Франкфурт-на-Майне
Профессор | Эрик Шуман
Концертмейстер | Indrė Baikštytė
Jinzhu Li, seventeen-year-old violinist from Hunan, China, started playing the violin at the age of four. She is currently studying with prof. Erik Schumann at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. In 2019, she was selected into the Supporting Program of the Outstanding Innovation Talents run by Xinghai Conservatory, and studied with prof. Dan Li until 2023. She was one of the participants of the Morning Music Bridge music academy-festival in Canada, in 2021, 2023 and 2024. Over the years, Jinzhu has participated and won prizes in various competitions, including 1st prize at the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians in 2023, 1st prize in Violin Group C of the V Zhuhai International Mozart Competition for Young Musicians in 2023, and 2nd prize at the London Classic Violin Competition in 2024. Jinzhu has successfully given many solo recitals, collaborating with orchestras such as the Salzburg Chamber Soloists, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, and the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra. In summer of 2023, she had a concert tour as soloist with The Greater Bay Area Youth Orchestra. Additionally, Jinzhu has been invited to perform in various famous venues, including the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow, Guangzhou Opera House, among the others.
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Соната для скрипки соло № 2
ля минор
BWV 1003
Никколо Паганини
24 каприси для скрипки соло · соч. 1: № 24
ля минор
Альгирдас Мартинайтис
«Su paukščio giesme» (С пением птицы)
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Концерт для скрипки с оркестром № 4
ре мажор
KV 218
Франц Ваксман
«Carmen Fantasie» (посвящена Яше Хейфецу)
Сергей Прокофьев—Яша Хейфец
Марш из оперы «Любовь к трём апельсинам» · транскрипция для скрипки и фортепианно
Ян Сибелиус
Концерт для скрипки и оркестра
ре минор
соч. 47
I. Allegro moderato
II. Adagio di molto
III. Allegro ma non tanto