Liliia Kovalenko
| Украина
Професор | Галина Карелова
Liliia Kovalenko is an 8th-grade student at the Kharkiv State Music Lyceum. She has achieved notable success in various competitions:
Winner of the 1st prize at the XII International Festival-Competition "Snow White" (2021, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Winner of the 3rd prize at the Third open competition of young pianists named after Mykhailo Oberman (2021, Dnipro, Ukraine)
Laureate of the 4th prize at the 4th open competition "Karl Cherny: more than sketches" (2021, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Laureate of the 2nd prize at the 20th International Competition-Festival of Children's and Youth Performing Arts Akorda Khortytsy (2021, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)
Winner of the Jugend Musiziert Regionalwettbewerb - 1st prize, 25 Points (January 29, 2023, Lübeck, Germany)
Winner of the Jugend Musiziert Landeswettbewerb - 1st prize, 25 Points (19.03.2023, Lübeck, Germany)
Winner of the Jugend Musiziert Bundeswettbewerb - 1st prize, 24 Points (May 25, 2023, Zwickau, Germany)
Prize-winner for the best interpretation of a work of classical modernism (performance of a work by V. Silvestrov) JuMu (June 2, 2023, Zwickau, Germany)
Winner of the Hamburger Instrumentalwettbewerb - 1st prize with Distinction (November 2023, Hamburg, Germany)
1st prize at the III International multi-genre art competition "On the wings of art" (November 2023, Ternopil, Ukraine)
Франц Йозеф Гайдн
Соната для фортепиано № 50
ре мажор
Hob. XVI:37
Валентин Сильвестров
«3 Багатели», соч. 1: I. Allegretto
соч. 1/1
Клод Дебюсси
Сюита «Children's Corner» («Детский уголок») : I. «Доктор Градус ад Парнасум»
L. 113/1
Франц Йозеф Гайдн
Соната для фортепиано № 50
ре мажор
Hob. XVI:37
Валентин Сильвестров
«3 Багатели», соч. 1: I. Allegretto
соч. 1/1
Клод Дебюсси
Сюита «Children's Corner» («Детский уголок») : I. «Доктор Градус ад Парнасум»
L. 113/1
Фредерик Шопен
Ноктюрн № 20, соч. posth
до диез минор
B. 49
Виктор Косенко
«11 этюдов в форме старинных танцев»: Этюд № 4 «Куранта»
ми минор
соч. 19/4
Время выступления:
Февр. 08 14:48 - 15:06
Kantonsschule Uster (Krämerackerstrasse 15, 8610 Uster)