Maddox Marsollek
| Германия
Учительница | Елизавета Блюмина
Maddox Marsollek, born in December 2013, started piano lessons at the age of three. Within just ten months, he made his debut at a summer concert, and since then, he has performed in more than 40 concerts. Maddox is under the guidance of concert pianist and Echo Prize winner, Elisaveta Blumina. In August 2019, he was invited to an international master class in Israel by Blumina, where he participated in the final concert at Elma Hall.
Over the past three years, Maddox has achieved around 130 international music awards, primarily as a soloist, but also in a duo with his brother Miles, an 8-year-old violinist. These awards include numerous 1st prizes (a total of 58 and 3 absolute prizes) to 3rd prizes, along with various special prizes recognizing him as an "Exceptional Young Talent," acknowledging his "Outstanding Technique," praising his "Excellent Interpretation," and commending the best interpretation of contemporary and baroque compositions. He has also secured six 1st prizes and a 3rd prize in national competitions.
Maddox has graced the stages of prominent venues such as Emperor Hall Füssen, Beethoven House Bonn, Solitär Mozarteum Salzburg, Apollosaal - State Opera Berlin, Teatro Studio - Parco della Musica Rome, Gläserner Saal - Musikverein Vienna, Elgar Room - Royal Albert Hall London, Monestir de Pedralbes Barcelona, Auditori Vlader Girona, and Kleine Zaal - Concertgebouw Amsterdam. In January 2023, he performed at a festival at Musikteatret Holstebro in Denmark. In August 2023, he participated in an 8-day master class in Arad, Israel, and performed in a concert during the event.
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Фантазия № 3
ре минор
KV 397/385g
Франц Йозеф Гайдн
Соната для фортепиано № 47
си минор
Hob. XVI:32
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Французская сюита № 2: II. Куранта
до минор
BWV 813/2
Клод Дебюсси
«Две арабески»: № 1 Andantino con moto
ми мажор
L. 66/1
Исаак Беркович
«Вариации на тему Паганини»
Время выступления:
Февр. 08 09:45 - 09:55
Kantonsschule Uster (Krämerackerstrasse 15, 8610 Uster)